Aquest estiu us oferim dos casals en anglès per a nens i nenes, un de 4 a 7 anys i un altre de 8 a 12 anys. Matins de 9 a 1 a Mind the Gap Manresa Vine i t'informarem! ...
Aquest estiu us oferim dos casals en anglès per a nens i nenes, un de 4 a 7 anys i un altre de 8 a 12 anys. Matins de 9 a 1 a Mind the Gap Manresa Vine i t'informarem! ...
Aquest estiu us oferim dos tipus d'intensius per a joves a partir de 13 anys. Un més pràctic i dinàmic i un altre de preparació pel FCE. Come and see us! ...
Aquest estiu us oferim dos casals en anglès per a nens i nenes, un de 4 a 7 anys i un altre de 8 a 12 anys. Matins de 9 a 1 a Mind the Gap Manresa Inscripció amb descompte fins el dia 5 de juny ...
Aquest estiu us oferim dos casals en anglès per a nens i nenes, un de 4 a 7 anys i un altre de 8 a 12 anys. Matins de 9 a 1 a Mind the Gap Manresa Inscripció amb descompte fins el dia 5 de juny ...
Necessiteu un certificat d'anglès oficial? Ja us podeu apuntar als exàmens orals d'anglès del Trinity College que farem a finals de curs a Mind the Gap. Més info, truqueu-nos ...
After much deliberation, the jury has finally reached a decision on who the winners of the Love Story Competition are, and just in time for Saint Valentine’s Day!! It was a tough choice but the three members of the jury finally agreed on two winning...
By Toni Pich There is a famous song called “Love is in the air “by J.P. Young, you know. There is a new version in my modest story and it is called “Love is in the Stadium”!! I suggest a different version, because you can find true...
This is the winning story by Roser Rives, Nil Fenoy & Oriol Montiel. They produced a video to represent their story. You can see it in Mind the Gap's Facebook page. Great work and congratulations to you all! Draw my life… Some time ago, at a prom...
This group acted out their story in class. Their teacher, Nieves, took some photos. You can see the visual representation of this story in the pdf attached. Just click on the following link: !Love is for everybody The authors and actors are: Jaume Jimènez is Deathstroke/...
By Gemma Pla & Marc Montero Caillou's Wife Once upon time, in a little village called Callús there was a boy called Caillou. He was bald and everybody laughed at him. He always wore a cap and colourful striped socks because he wanted people to look at...