

Us convidem a una presentació dels programes d'estiu per a nens i joves de Fun and Learn, amb la col.laboració de Mind the Gap. Us ofereixen campaments a Catalunya, a Anglaterra i a Estats Units. Us esperem dimarts dia 6 de febrer a les 19.30h a Mind...

Today,  Mind the Gap (Manresa) will open. It may be snowing outside, but classes will be held as normal! So, put on your snow boots and walk to the school today! Avui Mind the Gap estarà oberta. Malgrat la nevada de les últimes hores, les classes...

Are you a huge football fan? Do you play football with a local team? At Mind the Gap, we would love to read about your football stories. Please feel free to write about any experience related to your favourite sport. You can tell us about...

A review of the film “Life is Beautiful”. This review was written by Maite Pariente Aylagas, an adult First Certificate Student at Mind the Gap. “Life is Beautiful” is not only a touching story but a song about life and love. In an intelligent way, it reminds...

At Mind the Gap, we recommend taking official exams like Trinity Benvolguts pares i mares i alumnes, Us informem que, com cada any, durant el mes de juny es desplaçarà un examinador del Trinity College  a la nostra acadèmia. Tots els estudiants que ho desitgin (nens i...

January rings in the New Year, every year! Did you know that the name January is named after the Roman god Janus, who was always shown as having two heads? He looked back to the last year and forward to the new one. Are you looking...

EXÀMENS DE CAMBRIDGE (FCE I CAE) CONVOCATÒRIES A MANRESA CURS 2017-18 Informació i matrícules a Mind the Gap 938362205 Examen      Data      Speaking Test Data límit  inscripció FIRST – Computer Based 24-02-2018 24-02-2018 04-02-2018 C1 Advanced 24-03-2018 24-03-2018 04-03-2018 FIRST – Computer Based 24-03-2018 24-03-2018 04-03-2018 FIRST for Schools – Computer Based 16-06-2018 16-06-2018 27-05-2018 C1 Advanced 23-06-2018 22/23-06-2018 03-06-2018 FIRST 23-06-2018 22/23-06-2018 03-06-2018 C1 Advanced – Computer Based 30-06-2018 29/30-06-2018 10-06-2018 FIRST for Schools 30-06-2018 29/30-06-2018 10-06-2018 FIRST – Computer Based 14-07-2018 14-07-2018 24-06-2018 C1 Advanced 25-07-2018 25/26-07-2018 08-07-2018 FIRST 26-07-2018 25/26-07-2018 08-07-2018 Altres convocatòries a...

Is learning English on your list of New Year's resolutions? Great. Then you are in the right place :-) At Mind the Gap we'll help you reach your goal, whether it is learning to speak with greater fluency or pass an official exam. Why not pop in...

As Christmas approaches advertisements on TV and on poster boards fill with snow and images of family, fun and friends. Most of these advertisements, or ads, appeal to our emotions. Here is one of the most popular Christmas ads from the UK last year. We...

It’s cold outside, the sky is grey and days are short. It’s that time of the year when you feel like staying inside, wrapped up warm on your sofa. This is the perfect time and place to learn English while wearing pajamas! All you need...